Rod’s Top Ten Reasons He Is Part of a Restoration Movement Independent Christian Church

For those who think the whole theology thing is too heavy…
10. I hate kneelers.
9. I cannot memorize creeds or canned prayers; you should see someone try to explain the Apostles’ Creed to me, they would rather reinstitute the Inquisition.
8. I would be excommunicated for my attitudes toward the institution of the salaried clergy (my friendships with many of them notwithstanding).
7. I have enough trouble figuring out what my church fellowship is thinking and feeling much less some faceless and nameless headquarters bureaucracy.
6. Ecumenical churches have banned use of top ten lists in sermons.
5. I have enough trouble keeping up with a Bible, I could never keep up with a second book, like a book of prayer.
4. I can never get the liturgical calendar straight.
3. My favorite ecumenical leaders are Cardinal Richelieu, the Russian orthodox monk, Rasputin, and the High Priest Caiaphas.
2. I don’t care for Byzantine art, and the Ecumenicals seem to love it.
1. I hate serving on committees, rule by committee, management by committee, drafting by committee…well, you get the idea.