A Time to Speak

In my previous post (“Two Months and 1,543 Readers Later”), I mentioned that one of several reasons we have had so much traffic during the second month of this blog’s existence is the articles we wrote about a recent church split in Dallas. From the moment we published those articles, we have been very aware of the obvious question: Is it wrong for a Christian blog to bring to public attention and make comment on events that are occurring within a congregation?

It is not our scheme to capitalize on the difficulties of a church. However, a primary mission of this blog is to focus on the condition of the modern American church. Rod Heggy and I believe the time has come for Christians who care about the future of the churches in America to speak out — loudly, boldly, candidly, and firmly.

To keep the conversation real, we will continue to discuss real examples in real churches as we become aware of them, when we consider it appropriate. For 50 years, Rod and I have watched unhealthy trends disrupt and even destroy church after church after church. We know that many of you share our concern. And yet, many Christians have a taboo against speaking out publicly about what is happening in our churches. As for Rod and me, we will remain silent no longer.

As more and more churches become mega-sized and personality-driven, the directions our churches take have become increasingly dictated by the pastor and perhaps a few hand-picked lieutenants, while the 99% in the pews remain silent. The attitude of many pastors today is, “This is what we are doing, and you can take it or leave it.” Church attenders are no longer “the congregation,” but rather “the audience,” “the crowd,” “the market.” Sadly, the vast majority of church attenders seem to be satisfied to settle into the role of silent observers.

It is time for those of us who love our churches and want our churches to endure for a few more generations to start discussing in the light of day what is happening in our congregations. Our churches do not belong to the pastors, or to their close circle of key financial backers. Every legitimate Christian church belongs to Jesus Christ, and is His gift to all of us, His body. God has given each one of us a voice in the affairs of His church. As a matter of fact, the Scriptures teach that each of us is a unique and essential part of the body. What we have to say and what you have to say really do matter.

Yes, it is our obligation to always speak with love and respect, especially about our fellow churches and church members. On this blog, we will not allow comments which contain personal or mean-spirited attacks against the body. However, we will continue to speak out. We invite you to join us in doing so.

Some of the current crop of church leaders need a huge wake-up call about what they are doing to the church. Fortunately, one thing you can be sure of about church leaders who are as market-driven as many modern American church leaders are, is that when enough people raise their voices – loudly, honestly, firmly — those mega-pastors will listen.

It is not just our right, but our responsibility to issue that wake-up call. There is a time to speak. That time is now.

A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted…
A time to tear down and a time to build up…
A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing…
A time to tear apart and a time to sew together.
A time to be silent and a time to speak.

Ecclesiastes 3:2-7

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