Rod’s Top Ten Ways Fundamentalists Can Hide

10. Fundamentalists can use the politically correct phrase “reproductive tolerance” rather than pejorative words like “homosexuality” and “adultery.”
9. Fundamentalists can accept as politically correct all books, music, movies and taxpayer supported arts, no matter how sacrilegious or immoral.
8. Fundamentalists can use the politically correct phrase “women’s rights” instead of the pejorative term, “abortion.”
7. Fundamentalists can use the politically correct phrase “death with dignity,” instead of the word “euthanasia.”
6. Fundamentalists can use the politically correct phrase “freedom of choice” instead of “adultery,” “sexual immorality,” or “homosexuality.”
5. Fundamentalists can prove their tolerance of other religions by promoting the return of the worship of Diane of the Ephesians and nominate the daughter of the person attempting to impose such a regimen for service in the Temple.
4. Fundamentalists could import homosexual strike forces from California to picket churches to gain sympathy (…wait, been done, unsolicited picketing occurred in 2002).
3. Fundamentalists could buy air time on the History Channel and run shows about the Taliban so the media can tell the difference.
2. Fundamentalists could televise their worship services using canned footage of well dressed intelligentsia in the congregation.
1. Fundamentalists could ask their television evangelists to trim their mullets and suspend their botox treatments.

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