Breaking News: January 2019 CR4C Trip is On!

Norma and I will be leading a team of volunteers on an eight-day missions trip to Costa Rica in January (Jan. 21-28, 2019). Want to join our team and come along?

Evangelists Pedro Ramirez (left) and Rodrigo Rojas performing one of 7 baptisms that took place in Perez Zeledon a few weeks after our January 2018 missions trip.
Pedro & Anais

This will be our 12th missions trip to Costa Rica. It will be our third trip to the remote rural region of Pérez Zeledón, in south Costa Rica in the valley of the Talamanca Mountains.

We are returning to PZ to continue our work with evangelist and church planter Pedro Ramirez Calvo, who has started three new churches in that area in the last three years. Pedro and his wife, Anais, are wonderful people. It is a great privilege that God has called us to partner with them, and we are really looking forward to seeing them again next month.

Great News: Left Eye is Working Great!

I apologize for the short notice about this trip, although the circumstances have mostly been beyond my control. 2018 has been an unusual year for me.

In July I went blind in my right eye due to a retinal detachment. That led to two surgeries, in July and again in September. The second surgery is so far a success; my retina is still attached after three months. But my vision is still very weak in my right eye.

Praise God for giving us two of almost everything we need to get by! I am thankful to report that my left eye is working great and I am still able to function normally.

I wasn’t sure until recently if I was going to be able to travel in January, but — better late than never — this trip is on!

What Can You Do?

We need some volunteers to come with us! Are you any good with tools? Do you have any medical training? Can you fetch and carry on our construction team? Can you take vital signs or sort pharmaceuticals at our health clinics? Do you know Spanish? Do you enjoy working with children? Can you sing? Can you pray and be a positive presence?

There are many, many ways for you to be a blessing to our fellow Christians in Costa Rica and their unreached neighbors. Please think very seriously about coming with us.

For more information ….

I know God has a team for us. I hope it includes you!

Terry & Norma Hull

P.S. Philippians 3:13-14

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