Terry & Norma Hull

director-teacher and co-director

The JoshuaOne Project

Edmond, Oklahoma


Race Thru the Bible

Discipleship University

Living Faith Discussion Bible Studies

Costa Rica for Christ

India for Yeshua

The Few Good Seats Project

Tim Challies reviews and recommends What Ever Happened to the Gospel of Grace? by James Boice. According to Challies:

It was Boice’s conviction that much of what passes as Christianity today is anything but. … The author shows that where the evangelical church was once known for and defined by what it believed, today it is increasingly defined by its style. He is especially critical of the church growth movement, saying that this movement adjusts Christianity to the desires of our culture. The modern church does not understand that Christianity can only thrive by offering people not what “they already have, but what they so desperately lack – namely, the Word of God and salvation through Jesus Christ.”

Dr. Boice died in 2000, and What Ever Happened to the Gospel of Grace? was published after his death, in 2001. Boice is well-known as a Reformed (i.e. Calvinist) theologian, author of more than 50 books, and pastor of Tenth Street Presbyterian, Philadelphia, for more than 30 years. I remember him as one of the speakers on a promotional video for the Navigator’s “2:7 Series” Bible studies, a video I screened numerous times when Norma and I led several 2:7 groups during the 1990s.

Guess I’ll have to add What Ever Happened… to my Amazon wishlist.


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